Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Leaf

Today is the last day C is two. Here's hoping the terrible twos are behind us (bathroom accidents, temper tantrums, brother biting, and mess making). Hope turning three helps us turn over a new leaf. If know we will still love her anyway. Can't believe 3 is already here! What happened to my baby?


Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

Happy late birthday C and H!! Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun! The house looks great, I bet you will be excited when it's finished and you are all moved in! I keep forgetting to tell you Emily wants to be invited to view your blog. Their e-mail is

Nicole said...

i can't believe how fast time goes by...i can't believe your baby is 3 either...and for you sanity, i hope the terrible 2's are behind you as well!!!

Papa Parrish said...

Sorry to miss the fun in PA. Glad we partied in AZ. Hope all goes well with the move, new 3 year old trials, and the paper. Nana