Thursday, October 27, 2011

up in flames

So about 4 years ago the kids got a dvd player. I had been telling J to get them one, but he wasn't convinced. Then one day (several days after getting my tonsils removed), he invited me to a party for the company he did business with. I couldn't really eat, but I wanted to get out so we went. I wasn't much of a date (too weak to enjoy myself, in too much pain to talk, and couldn't swallow real food yet). When I got there I found out they were giving things away. We came home with a water bottle, nice coat for John to use at work, and a portable dvd player. Let's just say we have enjoyed the dvd ever since. I would even say some have abused it (meaning C and H a little). C loves to plug it in an watch a show with popcorn (of course) at least a couple times a week. Well a couple of days ago while she was enjoying this favorite activity the plug started on fire. Luckily it tripped the circuit and didn't cause much damage, but the DVD is now toast (burnt toast). Good thing we gave H one a while back when C started abusing the other. Now we have to keep track of it so we have it for trips! PS No one was hurt in the burning of the DVD player.

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Just think, in the olden days, our children did not light their electronics on fire. It was safer then.