Monday, November 24, 2008


So I need another break from writing, just finished up one thing and need something less intense before changing gears. This time I thought I would lend a little insight into my work. Before this program I used to sit down to write a paper for a class. I would read background, create an outline, and write. Usually a 5 page paper took about 2-3 hours for me to draft, then a day to sit and an hour or two more to edit. Lets just say the bar has been raised here - about 25 stories higher. The writing now is more technical - which is a challenge - and takes much longer for me. Also I now edit my drafts so much that they aren't similar in any way to the original. I guess this is just the process for good writing, but it can be killer. This leads to my need for motivation. I can't really say writing itself is motivating. I mean yes when I finally have a final product I am happy with, but considering the standards that is usually takes many months. So I have created my own system of motivation: BAKING. I know it sounds silly, but for me baking doesn't take much brain power - especially what I bake - but it is highly motivating. I get to do it with my kids, take a break, make my family happy, and EAT! On days where I know I will be writing a ton, I set a goal for myself and when I reach it I reward myself and my family with a baked good. Lately I have been on a muffin kick. I will post a few of my favorites. Mainly this is because generally they are healthier than other treats I make so I don't feel as guilty indulging. Claire has been enjoying this trend as well - I think the picture proves it! I also use my favorite TV shows as motivation guessed it blogging. Lucky for all of you! Best part about blogging is the lack of extensive editing!