Monday, November 3, 2008

construction update

Well, I had to steal these from J's website since I still hasn't emailed me pictures. I know it seems like we don't live in the same house, but we do. Just different schedules at times which makes coordination of less pressing tasks a bit of a pain. The pictures are of the basement walls going in the product is called "Superior Walls". Ask J for more details on that - my brain is filled with other information. The other is of the subfloor for the main level. Tomorrow walls will be delivered for the main level and the framing will start for that level. How fun! Doesn't really seem like my house at this point since I don't have much time to be a part of this process. Who thinks my husband is pretty stinking cool to build this for our family? It seems to be going pretty quickly since they started. What a good man!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Wow! cool to see your house take shape! I guess you must be his favorite woman to build a house for you! My man balances my checkbook to show he loves me!