Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer keeps us busy

So I haven't posted in a while and the real reason is that summer keeps us so busy! I always think, man we will slow down once school is out, but truth is things never really slow down much. Even the last few weeks of school for the kids kept us crazy busy. Maybe I try to do too much??
So far this summer, I taught an online class which ended a couple weeks after the kids got out of school. Since that time I have been to girls camp, kept up on some of my research work, picked strawberries and raspberries, and planted a garden. On top of that, Yoda got fixed, H had soccer camp, C had swim lessons, and the kids each had 2-3 practices for soccer/gymnastics each week. J has also been traveling for soccer and to work on a remodel in NY. We also celebrated our 12th anniversary, H's 9th bday, and C's 6th bday all last month. Next week is gymnastics camp, jam making, a day at the office, and the kids participating in a PSU study. The week after that I have 2 training days for an upcoming conference, and we will spend a family day in Pittsburgh.
So please forgive me if I am having a hard time keeping up with it all. Someday my life will slow down, but by then I will probably be an old lady and no one will care what I am up to!

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