Sunday, February 8, 2009

out of control

That pretty much sums up my last week, day at church, paper that needs to be finished up, homework load, work days, housework, laundry, dishes, etc. Yep, when it rains it pours. I am just trying to stay optimistic, but with a cold, a special monthly visitor, and massive amounts of work to do I am feeling less optimistic than I would like. Lets say my tears have not been super cleansing, and I feel like I really just need a vacation. I am sure I will feel better when I turn my paper in Tuesday, but hopefully the reviews won't include the words "this is out of control" because I really doubt that would be a good thing - professors would never say that in a positive way like the rest of the world. For example, you might hear a teen say "that party was out of control" and mean that as a compliment. Or you might hear someone say "you are out of control" when you are enjoying your laughter immensely. Well for me out of control would not really be a good response to a paper that determines my academic fate - but I have to say if I had a professor come up to me and say "That paper was off the hook" I would be shocked and very happy. I think that is enough rambling for one night. No more pity party. After all, as J reminded me very gently, I got myself into this one!


bkbills said...

Sarah! You make me laugh. As I read, I hear your voice saying the words and the timing of how you would say them. You are funny! Hang in there!

Papa Parrish said...

You rock. Keep up the good work, and buck up, babe!!! Nana